Low Income Household Rebate

Low Income Household Rebate

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Low Income Household Rebate

The Low Income Household Rebate helps eligible NSW households to pay their energy bills.

The Low Income Household Rebate provides:

$285 (excluding GST) a year to eligible customers who hold an electricity account, or;

$313.50 a year to eligible long-term residents of residential communities (caravan and mobile home parks) and retirement villages who receive electricity bills from their community operators.


To be eligible for the Low Income Household Rebate a person must:

How do I apply for the Low Income Household Rebate?

Different application and payment processes apply depending on whether you hold an electricity account with an electricity retailer of your choice or receive an electricity bill from, or on behalf of, the operator (or strata manager) of an on-supplied residential community, retirement village or strata scheme.

If you are billed for electricity by 1st Energy, you apply for this rebate by phoning your electricity retailer and supplying your concession card or healthcare card details over the phone.

There is no form to apply directly to your retailer for the Low Income Household Rebate.

$285 (excluding GST) a year to eligible customers who hold an electricity account unless advised otherwise in writing by the Department.

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