Medical Cooling Concession

Medical Cooling Concession

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Medical Cooling Concession

The Medical Cooling Concession provides a 17.5 per cent discount on summer electricity costs for cardholders where a member of the family has a medical condition that affects the body’s ability to regulate temperature.

The Medical Cooling Concession provides:

The Medical Cooling Concession provides a 17.5 per cent discount on summer electricity costs from 1 November to 30 April each year.

The concession is given in addition to the Annual Electricity Concession.


You are eligible for this rebate if you hold any of the below concession cards:

The following Commonwealth and State Government issued cards are not eligible for energy concessions:

Victorian Seniors Card
“CA” (Carer Allowance) Health Care Card
“FO” (Foster Care) Health Care Card
Veterans Affairs White Card for Specific Conditions
Veterans Affairs Gold Card Dependent.

And, the Pre-approved medical conditions eligible for the concession are:

Applications for other conditions must be approved by the Department of Health & Human Services.

How do I apply for the Medical Cooling Concession?

Applications are available 1st Energy, by contacting the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 (toll-free), or can be downloaded from the link below.

The application form needs to be completed and signed by your doctor confirming your medical condition. Once completed, forward the form to your electricity retailer.

Your electricity retailer will check your concession card details with Centrelink and apply the discount to your bill.

Medical Cooling Concession – Application Form

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