Utility Relief Grant

Utility Relief Grant

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Utility Relief Grant

The Utility Relief Grant is available to eligible cardholders who are unable to pay their mains electricity, due to a temporary financial crisis.

The Utility Relief Grant provides:

The amount of the grant is based on the balance owing at the time of application.  You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a single source of energy (for example, electricity only).


This grant is available to both private renters and home owners.

The grant is available for each utility type every two years (from the date of last approval).

You must hold at least one of the following concession cards:

Cards marked ‘dependent’ are not eligible.
Applicants need to demonstrate that unexpected hardship has left them seriously short of money, so that they cannot pay their utility bills without assistance and risk disconnection or non-supply, and meet one of the five following criteria:
Mains account holders who do not hold a concession card but are registered with their utility company’s hardship program and are part of a low-income household with an outstanding mains electricity, gas or water debt can apply for the grant.

How do I apply for the Utility Relief Grant?

Contact us at 1st Energy and we’ll assist you with your application.

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